Lather Up

Let's be honest, when the client says, "let's make a hand washing video," you don't exactly think - most. awesome. project. ever. But the subject is an important one. Annually, there are more than 2 million patients in hospitals across the United States that acquire an infection during their stay and simple hand hygiene can prevent many of those cases.

So, what's a storyteller to do? It's an interesting creative problem. Then, the client shows you this Samsung spot & says, "you think we could do something like this?" I smiled because I knew...

Most. Awesome. Project. Ever.

I should point out, this is the director's cut of the film — you can see the client's official release here — and I just want to high-five a few people without whose talent this wouldn't have been possible.

Julian Daniels is the mega-stud from the Samsung film that inspired this whole thing. I still can't believe we landed him for our project. I genuinely wish that everyone with that kind of talent was equally awesome as a human.

Dr. Melanie Sulistio is not just the heroine of the film, she's a real life heroine to the cardiology patients she treats & the residents she trains. She's a shining example to the rest of us who complain there's not enough time to learn something new. Mel learned to tut (like a pro!) while healing people's hearts. She's crazy.

Kevin Shivers has done motion graphics on every film I've ever been proud of and his ability to translate the things only I can see in my head into pixels on a screen consistently amazes me.

Also, thanks to Allan Thompson & Ashlie McGill for taking a chance on me with this project. There were times in the nearly 10 and a half months from initial meeting to final release when they alone believed in the idea that this could be the most. awesome. project. ever.